Matilda in front |
When I came home tonight to put my hand full of wheat into the cage, three of the hens came running to me and fed out of my hand! Oh I just love it! The Scots Dumpy wouldn't even come into the cage area at all to begin with, but after a while she came in but stayed well away from me. I watched them take themselves up the ramp into their home, but none of them put themselves onto the perch yet, so I did it for them. I wonder if anybody will stay on the perch all through the night and still be there in the morning?
My Mister's Observations today:
- Three hens were still on the perch this morning, and Matilda walked over to the door to greet him
- Scots Dumpy and Matilda spent time in the cage area today and were the first down the ramp
- The two Orpingtons stayed in the wooden run under the shelter as it rained all day. They are really pretty inseperable
- Matilda and Scots Dumpy really seemed to pair up today
- Matilda was doing a lot of scratching up the lawn today
- Matilda was the first to feed out of his hands
- We need to raise the feeder and the drinker up higher, as the hood/lid seems to get in the way of them reaching down to eat in one smooth action (yes, the chicken magazine suggests having the feeders at the same height level as your chicken's back)
- No eggs today.
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